Mittwoch, 1. November 2023,
Denigrated on the one hand as »Hitler’s Pope« because he did not publicly protest the Nazi mass murder of European Jews, Pius XII is on the other hand glorified as a heroic opponent of fascism and National Socialism by some Catholics who would like to see him canonized. It was not until March 2020 that the Vatican opened its archives to historians and made research on the subject possible. David I. Kertzer’s book has now been translated into German. It deals with the dramatic history of the controversial Pope Pius XII and his relations with Italy’s dictator Benito Mussolini and Germany’s »Führer« Adolf Hitler.
is the Paul Dupee University Professor of Social Science at Brown University. He is winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 2015 and of the American Historical Association prize for best book in Italian history. His books are translated in several languages.
is scientific program director of the transnational research group »The Global Pontificate of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945–1958« at the German Historical Institute in Rome.
Eine Kooperation des Fritz Bauer Instituts mit der Katholischen Akademie Rabanus Maurus im Haus am Dom, Frankfurt am Main