Committees and Cooperation Partners

Friends’ association

Fritz Bauer Institute e.V.

The friends’ association Fritz Bauer Institut e.V. founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1993 has made a significant contribution to the Fritz Bauer Institute foundation and its development, through the moral and financial commitment of its members and numerous donors. The friends’ association supports the research, educational and documentary work of the Fritz Bauer Institute. It aims to secure the Fritz Bauer Institute in the long term and to maintain the Institute’s financial independence.

The association collects donations for the Institute’s ongoing activities and for growing the foundation assets. It also communicates the Institute’s ideas, public discussion programme and projects to a broad public, as well as establishing contacts to and providing objectively viewed support for Institute activities. It brings together people from all areas of society who are interested in supporting and promoting the Institute’s work. The association sees in itself an expression of civic commitment to the necessary public debate on Nazi crimes.

Association members receive the Fritz Bauer Institute’s bulletin Einsicht (Insight) published annually in autumn and its annual report published each spring, free of charge; they also have the opportunity to obtain Institute publications at a special rate.

The association’s almost 1000 members from Germany and abroad include committed citizens, well-known public figures, as well as associations, clubs, institutions and companies, and administrative districts, cities and communities.

Fritz Bauer Institut e.V.

Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main

+ 49 (0)69 24741110

Become a member!

Minimum annual contribution: € 60
Partnership contribution: € 100
Schoolchildren and students: € 30 

Membership application form

Declaration of membership (PDF file)

Support our work with your donation!
Donation bank account:

Frankfurter Sparkasse
DE43 5005 0201 0000 3194 67

Refer new members!

We would be happy to send you further documents and information material on association membership and the work of the Fritz Bauer Institute. Please contact our office.