Maria Czaputowicz-Głowacka M.A.
Research associate
Maria Czaputowicz-Głowacka has been a Research Associate at the Fritz Bauer Institute since 2022. She is working on a research project "PORR AG and its subsidiaries at the time of National Socialism". In this project she focusses on source research in Poland and Germany and on the activities of PORR AG relating to the concentration camp Auschwitz-Monowitz.
She studied history and sociology at the University of Warsaw (as well as in the framework of academic exchange programs at the Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Utrecht). She graduated from Warsaw University in 2018 with a thesis on the Warsaw Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers as a place of remembrance. She works on PhD thesis about political cult of the fallen in Central and Eastern Europe at the same university
Research Interests
- Social memory and politics of history
- Memory in urban space - monuments, museums, places of remembrance
- Coming to terms with the National Socialist and Communist Legacy
Current Research Project
PORR AG and its subsidiaries at the time of National Socialism
Selected publications
- (Nie)chciany kult. Środkowoeuropejski kult bohaterów narodowych w latach pięćdziesiątych [The (Un)wanted cult. National heroes worship in the 1950s in Central and Eastern Europe], (w:) red. W. Borodziej, M. Buko, R. Utz, Z. Zakrzewska, Od zgonu ojca narodów do śmierci orła Karpat. Księga na sześćdziesiąte urodziny Jerzego Kochanowskiego, Warszawa 2020, 119-125.
- Narracje heroiczne w przestrzeni miejskiej: Grób Nieznanego Żołnierza w Warszawie oraz otaczająca go przestrzeń po roku 1990 [Heroic Narratives in Urban Space: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw and Its Surroundings after 1990], Stan Rzeczy, 2, 2019, 173-206.
- Powojenne pomniki Warszawy - przestrzeń miejska jako pole bitwy [Postwar monuments in Warsaw - urban space as a battlefield], (w:) red. M. Jacyno, Socjologiczny przewodnik po Warszawie, Warszawa 2016.
Maria Czaputowicz-Głowacka M.A.
Fritz Bauer Institut
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main